Christos Staff

Cecilia Whitacre, Chicago Coordinator

It has been a long and winding path in which God has guided and called me into the ministry of Spiritual Direction and to Christos. It’s hard to explain how valuable the Christos program, materials and contemplative community have been (and still are) in expanding my relationship with the Lord and in meeting my ever deepening and changing spiritual needs. God continues to grow me daily in developing me as a Spiritual Director and in sharing this holy and sacred listening space with Him. I am very humbled and honored to support others now on their incredible journey through Christos’ Tending the Holy Program and their life with the Lord.  


Cecilia had been in women’s ministry and Bible study leadership roles for over 15 years when the Lord called her into full-time ministry in 2014. After raising a family and working in the secular world of finance most of her adult life in mortgage and loss mitigation departments, she transitioned to the staff part-time at the Anglican church she attends. While working and attending night classes at Trinity International University, she felt another call from the Lord to the training at Christos to become a Spiritual Director.