Christos Staff

Gail Brecht,
Distance Learning Coordinator

Though I had served in youth and music ministry for nine years, it wasn't until I took a Spiritual Practices course at seminary that I heard about Spiritual Direction. It was then that I found the description of the true calling of my heart: holy listening to the movement of God in the story of others. I found a spiritual director, and a year later I enrolled in Christos' Distance training program, Tending the Holy. It changed my prayer life and deepened my relationship with God in ways I never could have imagined. When I finished in 2013, I had no idea I would (years later) have the privilege of serving as a Distance Learning Coordinator. I am honored to help people from all over the world discern their call to this ministry of soul care, and walk alongside them for their two-year journey.


Gail is a Deacon in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) and serves as Director of Contemporary Worship at a congregation in St. Louis, MO. She holds a Master of Arts from Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, and double Bachelor of Arts in Communication Management and Music from The University of Dayton, Ohio. She received her spiritual direction certification through the Christos (Distance) Tending the Holy program.