Christos Staff

Paul Krenzelok, Discernment and Outreach Coordinator

One of my first spiritual directors in the mid 1990’s helped me see the movement of God most especially through my brokenness. As I grappled with painful emotions, I remember a session just before Christmas with this director, who invited me to put all of “my issues” in a metaphorical box and give them to God. When I handed over this box of brokenness to God, God immediately responded: “What a beautiful gift.” I was absolutely astounded that God found such beauty in my brokenness. It was a healing experience of God’s unconditional love, acceptance, and grace. 

Since my own training to become a spiritual director from 2010-2012, I have accompanied many in congregational ministry, campus ministry and hospital chaplaincy as a spiritual guide and companion. I take delight in helping others notice God’s grace and invitations within our rollercoaster lives, both joy-filled and broken, just as they are. It is my great privilege to continue to accompany others as one of the Distance Coordinators for the Tending the Holy Program as we together seek to know and share Christ’s love. 


Paul has decades of service in ministry leadership as a chaplain, director of campus ministry, and director of youth ministry and faith formation.  He received a Master’s of Divinity from Seattle University and a Bachelor of science from St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minn. Paul also received a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from The Spiritual Guidance and Leadership Program, St. Paul, MN.  He also Served as Director of Discernment Ministry for the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, which offers spiritual direction to young women and men in our discernment programs and to men discerning religious life with the Friars.