Christos Staff

Reina Brekke,
Alumni & Tending the Call Coordinator

Up until about 15 years ago, if you had asked me what spiritual direction was, I would have looked at you somewhat blankly and said something like: “I have no idea what you are talking about.” At that point of my life, someone serendipitously suggested spiritual direction, and because I was in a place of searching, and curious, I reached out to the individual that this colleague recommended. That relationship launched me on a path that became a clear call to become one who listens to others in the role of spiritual director.

Since moving back to Minnesota in 2018, I have discovered a wide array of resources in the Twin Cities that support the contemplative Christian life. Christos has been one of those spaces for me, as I have served in various capacities: formerly as a Coordinator of Tending the Holy, and now as Coordinator of Alumni Support and Tending the Call. My desire is for those in ministries of soul care to know that they are not alone, that they can be part of a growing group of individuals who understand what they do, and that there are resources available to support them in their ministry.


Reina’s undergraduate degree is in Nursing from the University of Minnesota. She holds a Master’s of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Direction from Richmont Graduate University in Atlanta, GA. She is a graduate of the Renovaré Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation. Reina has been trained in the Ignatian Exercises and is certified through Sacred Ground to offer the extended exercises with directees.